Pink Wings
Third Tier Certification Level
This student completed all of their hours.
This student completed most homework assignments. All could have completed, but not on time and/or the assignment did not reach the potential of that student.
This student could have potentially viewed the assignments as isolated tasks rather than devices to develop both their artistry and business. With that, the assignments were finished when they were due and not continually developed—(i.e. blog, social networking, etc.).
This student most likely cleaned their respective area, but did not see how the cleaning would impact their speed and overall presentation as an artist.
This student participated in Labs, but did not go above and beyond in participation or engagement.
Artistically, this student progressed throughout their respective course, but needs to work on some area of their technique.
This student could be an incredibly talented artist but did not produce homework assignments, engage in the classroom environment, or develop as a business.
This student is possibly imbalanced; either highly artistic and needs work on administrative or entrepreneurial skills OR is extremely business-minded and needs to develop artistically.
This student could have missed the value of some component of their respective course by only focusing on those portions they personally deemed to have value.